[browser-shot url=”http://www.prodigyconstructionsandroofing.com.au/” width=”600″ height=”450″ alt=”Prodigy Constructions And Roofing (NT) Pty Ltd.” target=”_blank” display_link=”false”]Prodigy Constructions And Roofing (NT) Pty Ltd.[/browser-shot]
Prodigy Constructions And Roofing (NT) Pty Ltd.
The Best Lay And Screw In Town
Unit 3/ 81 McKinnon Rd, Pinelands NT 0829
Best Plumbers in Pinelands, Northern Territory, Australia.
Metal & timber roof trusses
Wall cladding
Roof sheeting & flashings
< Our business address is; Unit 3/ 81 McKinnon Rd, Pinelands NT 0829
< We do provide a service to Pinelands and surrounding suburbs.